Superset: side deltoids & biceps
This superset goes like this:
1) 10 reps of lateral cable raises, no rest, 10 reps of single-arm cable curls ( LEFT ARM)
*No Rest
2) 10 reps of lateral cable raises, no rest, 10 reps of single-arm cable curls ( RIGHT ARM)
*Rest: 1 min
Repeat this superset for 3 rounds.
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Superset: side deltoids & biceps
This superset goes like this:
1) 10 reps of lateral cable raises, no rest, 10 reps of single-arm cable curls ( LEFT ARM)
*No Rest
2) 10 reps of lateral cable raises, no rest, 10 reps of single-arm cable curls ( RIGHT ARM)
*Rest: 1 min
Repeat this superset for 3 rounds.
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